Well I sat down to tidy up my website last night - just wanted to take off some sold out items and do some simple tidying up - ended up changing the colour and template ! It is still a work in progress as I wanted to change the buttons to make the whole thing more streamlined, but to do that I need to use html - may as well be swahelli !! After teaching myself I can make the button look nice but not link to the website - a little more work and I should have it cracked and then I can add the buttons to the blog too.
Anyway it got me thinking, how many people use all the differant forms of media - I found buttons for sites I had never heard of ! I use Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest regularly so that's nice and easy. I also have a Linkein and Google + account which I got after reading it was one of those things I 'should' have but I have never had chance to look at them properly of figure them out (would rather be sewing !)
So what accounts do you have, and more importantly use regularly. What buttons do you like to see on a website or Blog and is there such a thing as too many buttons - would love to hear your thoughts on it to give me something to think about as I continue trying to figure out html.